Thoughts and illustrations on living on the autism spectrum.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Find Me On LinkedIn

One of the great pleasures of doing my cartoons has been the people I’ve had a chance to connect with – parents with kids on the spectrum, adults with Asperger’s, authors, and advocates. Knowing that you support what I’m doing convinces me that I should continue to lend my voice - and my doodles – to autism spectrum awareness.

But did you know, that while I moonlight as aspie cartoonist extraordinaire, by day I work for a non-profit behavioral health center as a professional marketer/fundraiser? I write grants, I blog, I maintain the Web site, I thank the donors, and much more. Most importantly, I love to tell stories.

A well-told success story engages the emotions and opens minds. It gains loyal support for your cause, and is one of the most effective forms of advocacy. I enjoy this part of my work the most. Here are two stories I was privileged to write, one of a young woman’s journey from the streets to motherhood, and another of a man who survived a suicide attempt to gain a new lease on life.

I believe there is no better way to advocate for people on the autism spectrum than to tell their stories. I would like to do this one day.

So I’d like to keep making connections with an eye on this goal. Are you a professional with an autism services or advocacy organization? Could you use someone to tell your stories, engage your supporters, and promote your cause? I invite you to get in touch to explore ways we might work together. Visit my LinkedIn profile to learn more.


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