Sunday, January 29, 2012



  1. Awesome indeed. Thanks for that laugh. :)

  2. Very clever and oh so true. I just followed the link to your original cartoon which is brilliant. The comments unfortunately showed how ignorant some people are. Scary to read those comments when your child has autism. What a fantastic, concise and visually appealing way to get a message across. Instant fan :-)

  3. Lucky me, I have a Pay-to-Go phone that doesn't do auto-correct or Aspie-correct. I do have to watch out for the "Niko-effect" though, ie, text a long message, think I'm hitting Send, and accidently hit Delete. ARGH!

    1. Me too! I think we are all lucky we don't have AutismCorrect.

  4. i've been giggling at these all night. thanks for doing them! i found it because it was featured on thautcast...

  5. I am ever so glad for no Autism Correct App... Oi. My eyes crossed just thinking about something like that. I mean, wouldn't it make it worse to make the conversation go towards something you're NOT meaning for it to go towards? Better to be transparent and honest than confused, opaque, and so far off base it's not funny.

    Oh, wait... I've already seen a lot of "smart"phones do that already with their own auto correct!! Please don't let that happen to us!!


    Thanks as always for a great doodle!


    1. Yeah, these phones of ours seem to do more confusing than correcting... but they are quite entertaining.

  6. Love it! And mostly because I love my Aspie the way he is and BECAUSE of the way he is. I'm so not looking to "fix" him. We saw a commercial once for a treatment center and at the end the announcer says, "if you or your child suffers with Asperger's..." My son turned to me and asked, "mom, what if you have Asperger's but don't suffer? What if you have Asperger's and are just awesome?"
