Sunday, January 22, 2012



  1. He needs a chat room not inhabited by manic teenagers ;)

    1. LOL Matt! I no longer attend chats for my favourite tv show because people act like this all the time! I now have my own chat room called the AC - it stands for Adult Chat! Hope you are doing well and that your new year is off to a good start.

    2. Oh no, Laura, the young'uns have taken over all the chats! Be afraid, be very afraid...

  2. That's why only my closest friends have the link and it's password protected!

  3. aw, but sometimes emoticon constructs like "o.O" help this autistic oldster verbalize things that I can't quite put into... words. ;) But yes, it can still be confusing at times if you're looking for actual conversation. (I'm waaaaaay more chatty in text than I am in person, which can be tricky)

    - Hanne

    1. So true for me too! Emoticons saved me many times from text confusions! The main people who text me know (with an exception or 2) and use them a bit to keep me from being too confused. It's done its share in helping me not go gonzo with someone thinking they meant one thing when they really meant another!!

      And I have noticed that I can be chatty in texts too... but emails can be worse!


      I'm a happier person without the packed chat rooms... I'll just stick with my video games (mainly Lego ones and RPG's such as Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, and such).


    2. Agreed, Chris, no mobbed chat rooms, and emoticons only to clarify what's being said - don't I wish.
